Day 3

Now I know why my family got so pissed off when my cousin and I fought. My cousin’s kids have taken fighting to a whole new level. I have been trying my best to referee their fights for the past two days. They were in their rooms for fighting. I got them paroled because I want my 11-year-old cousin to braid my hair. I feel like I am at a slumber party. I already got her to paint my toes. They look great. She is the girly girl and I am loving it. I buy her all the girl stuff and she goes to town. I feel like her brother gets left out because he wants something more expensive then nail polish.  I did get him a basketball. Come to find out he had three flat ones in his room. So today I took back the basket ball and bought a basket ball pump. Which he broke with in an hour. I have to exchange it for a new one tomorrow.

Ava two month doctor’s appointment is tomorrow. She will be getting her shots and her earrings pierced. My cousin’s kids have been keeping me company. 11 and 10 have been my entertainment for the past couple of days. I am taking them to the movies tomorrow night. For my entertainment and there’s. It is hard to be in a house with no cable or internet. I am using my hotspot to write my blog. I really feel I need to change Ava formula. She has been having gas attack that looks crazy painful. A lot of farting and burping. I really feel this gas is causing her problems.

It has been very cute that they fight over holding, and feeding her. Granted they fight over everything Ava attention has been the biggest fight since we came to stay.  I know they are going to miss us. I will also miss them.

Day 1

We are officially homeless. A lot to do before heading to Boston. I paid for my friend to clean my apartment after I left. It looks amazing. I should have had her do that on a regular basis. The movers were in there at 10am exact. They only took two hours to get everything out. My cousin came the night before and took most of my stuff that we are driving to Boston. We are living with her until we head up north.

She has no cable or internet. I am using my hotspot to update my blog. I am only signing up for this hotspot for a week. When I get to Boston I am turning this expensive crap off.  I slept on the couch. Ava also slept with me when I didn’t feel like waking up this morning. My back felt like total crap. I had to take two Advil to move this morning. My cousin kids are with their grandmother for the weekend. I wanted to take them to the movies. I guess we will do that on Monday.

It is so hard living in someone else house. I cleaned her kitchen and went and bought things I felt necessary for a house. Granted she did the same thing when she lived with me for a short period 13 years ago. I came home and my kitchen was organized and dinner was cooked.

I went to lunch with my friends today. One cried when I left. I felt so bad, I wish I could bring them with me. I am also going to three friends houses tomorrow. To see and say goodbye.

I decided I am going to make the best of being in a no cable or internet place. I am going to work on my book. Plus update my blog everyday. Might as well why I have the hotspot capabilities.  On Tuesday we will be going to Ava two months doctors appointment. Then head to my apartment for the final walk through. She is also getting her ears pierced. I can’t wait to see how she looks. My cousin watched her today while I went to Houston’s for lunch. She said she was good all day. She waited to frown up her face when I got home. She wanted to be grouchy for mommy.

Coming to get my crap!!

I got the credit card situation cleared up. They are coming tomorrow to get my crap. I still have some last-minute packing to get things together. I am trying to figure out what will fit in my car. Well mini truck, I have a Honda CRV.  Which is a little truck. Hopefully I can get everything I want in it. With the car seat I can get one of the back seats partially down.

I really need that Bumbo thing. She is getting sick of laying down when I can’t hold her. I would have purchased her one, but I have several friends in Boston that said they have one to give me.  My cousin is coming after work and will take some of this stuff to her house tonight. I took down the pack n play. That thing is the best invention ever. I don’t think I am going to put it back together until I get to Boston. Ava and I will have a good time on my cousin couch.

My cousin took the futon mattress. The actual metal portion wouldn’t fit in her car. She told me her 10-year-old son took the mattress out of the car. He said did you get this from ****(me). She said how do you know it’s from her. He said it smells like her. I was thinking it smells like me. Dag do I need to Febreeze the mattress. I guess not he laid it across the floor got his blanket and laid across the futon mattress. So cute!!

Not having fun!!

Ava was in the I don’t feel like going to sleep mood. I am working on my final packing. My stuff should be on its way to Boston in a couple of days. It wouldn’t be my life with out some kind of issue. My credit card company called me. Since I changed my address and had such a large charge on my account. The moving charge. They denied the charge and the fraud alert people called me. Now I need to call this woman and tell her to run my credit card again. I am glad I am not freaking out. Two days before they are coming to my house to move my crap, my credit card is denied. I am glad the credit card company is making sure no one is stealing my credit card. I was up late last night packing.

When I get all my stuff to Boston. I am going to go through my crap and purge. I should have done it now, but Ava isn’t giving me the time to do much. When I get home and have more hands, it will be a lot easier. I am still living in fantasy land and buying lottery tickets. Life is stranger than fiction, you never know.

While at my cousin house I need to stay on my food plan. I am going to die over there with no cable or internet. Ava and I might spend sometime at a few other friends house. I still don’t feel comfortable with her freaking out in front of people. I know I will get over it. I finally got her to sleep in my bed while I packed my bag of clothes. Most of the stuff in the bad does not fit, but I am going to keep on my food plan. The weight will come off.

A friend of mine is a teacher and has the summer off. I told her we can work out together. I plan to join the YMCA and she already has a membership. Ava isn’t old enough to go to the daycare. She needs to be six months for that. Which could have been perfect if she could go. Now I will need to coordinate babysitters to get my workout together. I am going to work most things around my mother and aunt’s schedules.

My stuff could reach Boston in 4 to 18 days. Which is a big window. I hope it is earlier then later so I can have a bed to sleep on when I get there. My mother already has the cable hooked up in the room. She has internet with no WiFi. My mother and aunt have no idea how to use WiFi. I am going to be everyone’s tech support when I get there. My aunt, mother and father. I don’t mind. I am there to help them and they can enjoy Ava.

I am really doing this!!

I am in a state of shock. I can’t believe I am moving to Boston in a few weeks. I know I wanted this, but I am freaked out. I quite my job. I gave my notice yesterday. I ultimately got shorted a few vacation days. They have rules this year they will only reimburse you for three weeks vacation. I had a few more days than three weeks. If I knew that I would have come into the office later in the week. Oh well it is done.

My cousin said I should still try to apply for unemployment when I get to Boston. All they can say is no. Which is true. I know the lady at the moving company is annoyed with me. I keep calling her and asking random questions. I am nervous. For a lot of reason. I have never left a job without another job. Granted I have been fired a few times. Which is a long story and I still claim innocence in those situations. I have not been with out a money stream since 1993. When I first went to college. I didn’t get a job until my second semester. Thinking back I have always had money coming in. I have worked since I was 14 years old. I remember going downtown Boston to get my working papers. So I can legally work at such a young age. Granted I do have savings. Still not having a job is so different for me.

When I get to Boston I need health insurance. I am still insured at my job, but I can’t afford Cobra. That crap is ridiculous. I just charged my car insurance. Things are really coming together. I got a decent premium. I told my cousin and anyone who will listen I am in a traumatic state about moving home. He told me to suck it up. I truly need to. It is happening. I am waiting for my friend and cousin to come over. I need to get the final packing done. Going to do a few load of laundry. The leasing company are coming to pick up the washer and dryer. Things are going quickly. I need to catch up in my brain.

Leaving Georgia!!

My days in this state are numbered. 14 years of my life in Georgia. I am ready to leave it, but I will miss it also.  Packing while my child sleeps has been a challenge. One of the big problems is I am lazy. I wish I didn’t have to do it.  Here is a part of life I have to suck up.

I have decided not to look for a job until September. When the work to my mother’s house should be done. At least the bathroom. I did tell my aunt if I saw a job I really wanted I am going to apply. We will have to work around it if I am hired. I wouldn’t mind the break from working. I do have money saved so I don’t feel pressured to go back right away.  I have a lot to do when I get to Massachusetts.

Unpacking all these boxes and finding a place for them in Ava and my home. It will be strange going back to the home I grew up in. I haven’t been there longer then four days in 14 years.  I have to make it my home again. I wish I was in my size 8 right now. I would love to come back better than when I left it. I plan to make my appearance when I reach my goal weight.

My high school crush hit me up on Facebook. I do want to see him when I am looking fabulous. If I had infinite amounts of cash I would work on baby number two. Even thought I hated pregnancy. Labor was a torture I thought would never end. I still want Ava to have a sibling. I am going to have to think long and hard about that option.

Moving sucks!!

I need to be all packed up in two weeks. I hate moving. I am sure like most people. I hope my stuff gets to Boston before I do. One less thing I have to do when I get there. Plus it would be nice to sleep on my bed and start getting things together. My baby slept for 11 hours last night.It would be nice if all this stuff can magically pack it self. I need to figure out when I am putting in the change of address form. I think I should do it Monday. I am concerned that I will get a hospital bill late. I need to work out my payment plans in a timely manner. Presently I have one payment plan. I foresee two more coming. I am glad I have Ava birth certificate and social security card. That was the most important thing.

Which means I slept great last night. I agreed to not look for a job until the work on our house is done. I had to put in a disclaimer. If I see a job I really want, I am going to apply. I really want to work for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts or a federal job.  I am keeping my eyes on the prize.

No naps!

I woke up this morning to a lot of noise. They are doing the roof completely over. I saw them doing other buildings. I thought I would be gone by the time they got to my building. No chance.

I was going to make a trip to Walmart, but Ava fell asleep. I thought it was the perfect time to pack. She woke up screaming in twenty minutes. I am not sure it was the noise or gas. Her body was tensing up so I gave her more gripe water. She calmed down. It finally looks like she is going back to sleep.

Now I am tired and I want to go to sleep with her. I am the mother and actually need to get to work.

In the bad news department. No unemployment for me. Why you might ask, because I live in Georgia. If I lived in a blue state I could collect. I can’t cry over it, I was never banking on it.  I am hearing the bedrooms that were painted came out great. I am looking forward to seeing them. Now packing and unpacking I am not looking forward to at all. Also the drive home is not top on my list.

Now the good news is. I lost 13 pounds in two weeks. I joined my food program again. I know this weight loss will level and it will not be so much so quickly. I still can’t fit in my size 16 pants. I have my eyes on the prize. I want to fit back into my size eight.