
Today was my consultation. I took the day off because I had other things to accomplish. Plus I had several vacation days I needed to use. I also just wanted a day off.  I walked into the office with a bunch of emotions. The counselor was very nice informative and positive. This is not a reproductive center, which I felt were money-grubbing. This is a non-profit women’s center. They cater to lesbian and Single Mother By Choice. She said I was doing several things correct and was very impressed.

1) Acupuncture

2) Supplements (Prenatal, Folic acid, CoQ-10, DHEA, Fish Oil)

3) Periods Tracked for A Year

4) Ovulation tracked for a four months (Tracked twice a day)

5) Sperm Donor picked out

She was impressed with my knowledge and knowing what I wanted. I even discussed what she said in the seminar I went to last year. What I learned from my two hours. This is not going to be cheap. It is going to be far more expensive than I ever expected. I am having a hard time with the financial part, but there is no turning back. I have a clear credit card ready and waiting.

The good news she said I was a good weight. Which blew my mind. I gained 20 pounds I told her I wanted to lose 40 pounds. She told me I would be too thin. My body mass is fine for having a baby. You don’t want to be to thin or to heavy. When I said I needed to lose weight she gave me a dirty look and said “I don’t think so”. She told me she is not telling me to eat french fries everyday, but I don’t need to lose weight right now.

That took a lot off my mind. I have been obsessed about my weight for 20 years. I don’t want to gain anymore unless I am pregnant, but the whole conversation put a smile on my face.

I know my friends feel I been obsessed for over a year. Which they would not be wrong. I advised a few people to walk in my foot steps if they wanted to achieve a baby. Most put it on hold. It was their choice. I didn’t want to put it on hold. I guess I wanted to feel like I was doing something while waiting to figure out how the hell I would afford having a baby. Now after this consultation I am happy I was obsessed. It worked in my favor big time. I might have my first insemination in March. The only reason it might be on hold is due to the doctor having a vacation planned.

She told me I had a third of my testing already completed. I thought to myself YES!!! that is great. She gave me a paper to get blood work on the third day of my period. Then we will make an appointment with the doctor. I am on my way.

Now the cost, there was four options. Each more aggressive and more costly. I am such an aggressive person with lack of patients. I am ready to go all in. I talked to another SMC and she said I know two people who got pregnant with a non medicated IUI. Which she is correct. I am still ready to go all in. Now the Doctor will look over my test and give me her opinion. After that I will make a decision. I was told regardless of what the doctor advised I can do the protocol  I want. It is totally my choice and that was refreshing.

I also put the money down and signed a lease on an apartment today. Yes I will be living alone in about two weeks. I am excited and sad. I miss having my own space that I can make my own rules. I will miss my roommates and the fun we had. It was nice to have people concerned about me. Living alone I didn’t have that. When I lived in my house, I had neighbors I didn’t visit in months. So being around people everyday was new. I really enjoyed it, but now with the added person and extra stress of the situation it is time for me to go. All in all a good day. Now waiting for aunt flow to show up so I can get my testing done. I am praying to get pregnant with my twins the first insemination. God brought me this far!!!!


5 thoughts on “Consultation

  1. Congratulations!!! That must have felt so great to get such positive feedback. Yes, your obsession (or positive spin: strong focus 🙂 served you well. March – that’s so quick, how exciting! What protocol are you leaning towards at this point? Wonder if they will check your antral follicle count (how many follicles on your ovaries at the beginning of your cycle, before one become dominant) – that can make a difference with protocol, it seems. Sending good thoughts for your move and the start of your ttc!!

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